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Thinking about visiting us?  Here is some helpful info.



Sunday Morning bible class starts at 9:00 AM.

              Classes offered for adults and children of all ages.


Sunday Morning Worship starts at 10:00 AM.

              Our worship time consists of prayer, singing, communion, and an engaging message about seeking and serving God.  It is a great time to visit and experience our church.  Dress is casual and all are welcome.

Wednesday night bible class is 6:00 PM while the local school district is in session and during the summer break service is at 7:00 PM.

​              Classes offered for adults and children of all ages.



Any additional services or schedule changes will be announced during church services and on the website.

Physical Location
1630 Sandy Drive

Goodland, Kansas 67735


Mailing Address
PO Box 535

Goodland, Kansas 67735

About us


At Goodland Church of Christ, our emphasis is living fully in Christ.  We are a non-denominational church who believes that by following the examples set forth in the Bible by God, we will become the men and women that God has created us to be.


Our Mission Statement: As we passionately follow Jesus Christ's example, we welcome all on a this journey.




Christ is King.  That is the big one, but below you will find a more detailed explanation of the truths we draw from scripture and what you will find being taught at Goodland Church of Christ. 


  • We believe in the eternal existence of God as three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

  • We believe in the deity of Jesus and the redemptive work of His cross. We also believe in His literal resurrection, which serves as the anchor of our hope and a central tenet of our faith.

  • We believe that the Holy Spirit is active in the life of every believer. However, we are not a "charismatic" church in the contemporary sense of that word.

  • We believe the Bible to be God's inspired word and therefore our ultimate guide for life, doctrine, and conduct.

  • We believe that salvation cannot be earned, but results entirely from the grace and mercy of God, who calls us to obedience and personal accountability.

  • We believe that we build an initial relationship with Christ through trusting faith, which manifests itself in baptism whereby we contact the saving blood of Christ and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that every soul will be resurrected to face divine judgement, resulting in either eternal life or eternal death.





You've got questions; we've got answers.


We know visiting a new church can be overwhelming or daunting, so we don't want it to be any more mysterious than it has to be.

  • It's been a while since I've been to church. Will everyone stare at me?
    Absolutely not. We would be honored to have you with us. Jesus was excited to help people connect to their Heavenly Father, and we are too.
  • What should I expect on a typical Sunday?
    Sundays here are warm and casual. We always seek to be reverent as we worship God, while understanding that stuffiness is not the same as reverence. Not every sunday is exactly the same, but you can expect some combination of singing, prayer, communion, and a message from the Bible. Do not worry about being singled out in any way. Also, when we take up collection, newcomers are not expected to give at all. It won't be weird if you just pass the tray along.
  • I'm new; can I take communion?
    No one polices who does and doesn't take communion. Scripture teaches that communion (or "the Lord's Supper," as you'll sometimes hear it called) is a memorial designed for those who've entered a covenant relationship with God. It's a time to remember the sacrifice of Jesus, to celebrate the rescue and forgiveness it's brought into our lives, and to reaffirm our desire to continue in our relationship with God. Also, communion is a moment in which we celebrate our togetherness and connection as fellow followers of Jesus. With all of that in mind, if you feel it makes sense for you to take communion, then you're welcome to do so. (That said, if you'd rather not, just pass the tray on when it comes to you; no one will think you're strange.)
  • You don't have any guitars or pianos during the singing; what's that about?
    Ah--you noticed. :) Yep--our singing is "acapella," which simply means "without instrumental accompaniment." Since the earliest Christians worshipped this way, and since the New Testament only mentions worshiping with our voices, we choose to just sing. We think there's beauty in the simplicity and high level of participation that acapella music brings about. If you're new to faith and don't feel comfortable singing yet, no worries. Feel free to listen.
  • I notice your church is a "Church of Christ;" what exactly does that mean?"
    Churches of Christ trace their roots back to the Restoration Movement, a time in American religious history when Christians from various denominations decided they wanted to restore the expression of church they read about in the pages of the New Testament. Though we are an autonomous congregation and aren't governed by any outside creed or council, we count ourselves a part of the movement to restore Christianity to Christ's design. We find the hardest parts of that task are the ones that center more on being the church Christ wants us to be than "doing church" the way Christ wants us to do it. We feel like we're always making progress, but we're not there yet.

Got a question we missed?  Send us a message and we will get back to you soon.

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